Unlocking Xiaomi Mi 5c

For unlock Xiaomi Mi 5c following options are available. If you don't know which option use for unlock your phone, please contact us. We will help you choose the right product for your phone.

Select your network

UNLOCK Xiaomi Mi 5c


To unlock Mi Account blockade on Xiaomi Mi 5c

Please use the followoing instructions after your Xiaomi Mi 5c has been unlocked on Xiaomi servers

1. Turn on the device
2. Click on "open wi-fi settings"
3. Choose your wi-fi and enter your wi-fi password
- you can also use your active simcard to connect to the internet
4. Xiaomi Mi 5c will unlock remotely

(If for some reason the device doesn't unlock, click on "activate the device" and than back. Try a couple of times and the device shoudl unlock).